Welcome to GenX Biz Coach
The future clearly belongs to those organizations that can connect, motivate, and inspire each of the four generations in today’s new workforce. Each generation can’t be recruited, trained, managed, and motivated using the same strategies and methods of the past.
Deanne DeMarco is a Keynote Speaker, Business Coach and Management Trainer Working with Organizations that want to train their managers to be:
- More effective in motivating
- More effective in retaining
- More effective in managing younger workers.
The business world is a very different workplace than it was 20 years ago. Over 57% of today’s workforce is made up of Generation X (Gen X) and Generation Y (Gen Y or Millennials) . The dynamic of the four generations employed at the same time, and often side by side creates new challenges for managers. Your organization needs to understand, communicate, and connect with the new younger workforce, so they in turn can communicate and connect with your clients & customers or your bottom line and profits will suffer.
The bulk of your younger workers are on your front line…..but they are the future and success of your organization!